Fuji Photo Instax Mini 50S

Fuji Photo Instax Mini 50S

Gift box for luggage tag and lanyard

Gift box for luggage tag and lanyard



Selfie mirror: You can check your framing with the mirror next to the lens.

Close-up lens attachment: Close-up shooting up to 35 cm away is possible.

High-key mode: Setting the brightness adjustment dial to the high-key mode mark allows you to take pictures with a softer impression.

Simple operation for instant pictures: 

1. Press the button beside the lens to turn power on.

2. Adjust the dial to the lit position.

3. Shoot and obtain pictures instantly.

Brightness adjustment dial: instax mini 9 automatically determines the best brightness for taking a picture, and informs you of the suitable setting by lighting the corresponding lamp.Turn the brightness adjustment dial to the position (mark) of the lit lamp.

Colour: Smoky white, ice blue, lime green

Read detailed specification on: https://www.fujifilm.com/products/instant_photo/cameras/instax_mini_9/#specifications


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