Party Glow in the Dark Bracelet

Party Glow in the Dark Bracelet

Tyvek Wristband with Detachable Stub

Tyvek Wristband with Detachable Stub


PVC Wristband or Plastic Wristbands with tab is a durable vinyl wristband which allows your guest to pull it off for redemption use. Imprint your tab with different wording. For instance, drinks, rides, meals and etc. You may custom-made your PVC wristbands with multiple tabs, 1- 10. It is a one time use wristbands. These types of PVC Wristbands are comfortable to wear and durable. It can last for 2-3 days events.

These PVC Wristband are suitable for all types of events and can act as company merchandise. Make sure your brand is well visible to others especially your potential customer by having a PVC Wristband. 

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