100% Performance Dry PiquePearlized buttonsWelded collar and placketContrast color waist panel & piping designSuperior retail fit:Men fitting from S to 3XL
Material: 88% Polyester | 12% Spandex, 180gsm Easy to care for fabric that avoids wrinkling or shrinkage. Lock stitched hem provides reinforced construction with a tailored look. Fabric provides superior...
Material: 88% Polyester | 12% Spandex, 180gsm Easy to care for fabric that avoids wrinkling or shrinkage. Lock stitched hem provides reinforced construction with a tailored look. Fabric provides superior...
Material: 88% Polyester | 12% Spandex, 180gsm Easy to care for fabric that avoids wrinkling or shrinkage. Lock stitched hem provides reinforced construction with a tailored look. Extended back shirttail...
Material: 88% Polyester | 12% Spandex, 180gsm Easy to care for fabric that avoids wrinkling or shrinkage. Lock stitched hem provides reinforced construction with a tailored look. Fabric provides superior...
Material: 88% Polyester | 12% Spandex, 180gsm Easy to care for fabric that avoids wrinkling or shrinkage. Lock stitched hem provides reinforced construction with a tailored look. Extended back shirttail...